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Roots Blower

Harga: Bersaing


* Applications of the Pressure Conveyance
* Pressures Applied 0 ~ 0.6 kgf/ cm ² 1 ~ 200HP
* Special order with specific designs

* Lower noise ....
Turbo Blower

Harga: Bersaing

* Applications
o Printing Machines
o Burning Machines
o Plastic Extruders, Laminating, Film Making Machines
o Uniform Temperature Equipment
o Household Machines
o Dust....
RExnord Table Top Chain

Harga: Bersaing

table top conveyor chains
Rexnord ® TableTop ® Chains

Engineered to satisfy a wide range of conveyor applications for virtually any industry

Straight running and side....
Timing Belt Optibelt

Harga: Bersaing

Optibelt OMEGA FanPower

Timing belts for fan drives
for HTDÂ ® + RPPÂ ® pulleys

2000 8MFP â € “ 2800 8MFP
Standard width 50, 85
3150 14MFP â € “ 4578 14MFP
Clucth And Brake Mitsubishi

Harga: Bersaing

Mitsubishi Magnetic Power Brake

* Type ZKB BN
* Tyoe ZA-A
Cluth And Brake KEB

Harga: Bersaing

KEB Clutch and Brakes:

* Combistop series
* Combibox series
Cluch And Brake Trantex

Harga: Bersaing

FMP series
Standard features include :
- Nitrided armatures for long life.
- Fully encapsulated coils for durability.
- Fast-release brake armatures for accurate registration....
Ring blower

Harga: Bersaing

* Applications:
o Grain elevators.
o Textile fiber collections
o Paper industry
o Sewage treatments
o Cement manufacturing
o Diesel burning
o Pulp industry
o Class....
Cluch And Brake MAYR

Harga: Bersaing

Electromagnetic single disc clutches
10 - 640 Nm

electromagnetic energise to engage pole face clutches - Half the wear | High torque security | Low noise | Short switching....
Cluch And Brake Tsubaki

Harga: Bersaing

A 21
is a motor driven Horizontal single clutch and brake

K 25
is a motor driven Horizontal single clutch and brake
Cluch And Brake Airflex Eaton

Harga: Bersaing

Constriction pneumatic drum clutches and brakes
Airflex CB element assemblies are used as both clutches and brakes in general power transmission service. The primary feature of....
Cluch And Brake ASAHI

Harga: Bersaing

is an Air Clutch oh Asahi-Seiko

is an Pneumatic Clutches of Nexen Asahi-Seiko

is an Pneimatic Brakes of Asahi-Seik
Miki Pulley

Harga: Bersaing

Brakes & Clutches - Miki Pulley

Clutch/ Brake Type 125

Combination electromagnetic clutch / brake and split-shaft mechanism enclosed in light alloy housing. Operates on 24v....
Cam Cluth SAMBO

Harga: Bersaing

SAMBO Cam Clutch for the Backstopping application series: BS-K, BS-RK
SAMBO Cam Clutch for the Backstopping overrunning Indexing ( For the light load) series : LD-K, B200K, NFS-K....
Cluch And Brake Shinko

Harga: Bersaing

Shinko Clutch and Brake:

* Warner clutches and Brake
* Electric - Pack
* Clutch - Coupler
* Pan Cake Type
* Fail Safe
* Clutch and Brake unit
* Through Shaft Type
* ....
Cluck And Brake Ogura

Harga: Bersaing

Small clutches for use in copy machines, printers, and other peripheral devices. One piece assembly features a custom molded gear or timing pulley designed for your specification.....
Restricted Lubrication Link Belt

Harga: Bersaing

Restricted Lubrication

Double-pitch roller chain with large diameter roller combine smooth quite operation and long live.This modification proves particularly useful in....
Cam Cluth Tsubaki

Harga: Bersaing

TL200-1, TL200-2, TL250-1, TL250-2, TL350-1, TL350-2, TL500-1, TL500-2, MZ15, MZ17, MZ20, MZ30, MZ45, MZ60, MZ-G, PB, B203, LD, BB, MG, MI, MX, MI-S, BS30, BS50, BS65, BR, TSB, TT....
Roller Chain Belt

Harga: Bersaing

Link Belt Roller Chains

-Standard Roller Chains/ Single Strand
-Standard Roller Chains/ Multiple Strand
-Double-pitch drive Chains
Conveyor Chain Link Belt

Harga: Bersaing

Moving heavy loads requires conveyor chains, which are based on the combination of know-how and quality. You can rely on our decisive leadership on the world market for economical....
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