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Tn. Romeo Sinaga

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Nomor telpon Tn. Romeo Sinaga di Jakarta Timur
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Nomor ponsel Tn. Romeo Sinaga di Jakarta Timur
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Nomor faks Tn. Romeo Sinaga di Jakarta Timur
JL. Taruna dalam VII No.56 , Pulogadung, Indonesia
Jakarta Timur 13260, Jakarta
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Solar water heaters, hub: Bp. Sinaga, Hp. 0815 1311 6206, email: pro.teknik@, telp/ fax: 021 470 4719
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T)
Kemas & Pengirimanstandard
Negara AsalNew Zealand (Aotearoa)


Solar water heaters are being built into more and more homes these days in the ongoing quest to find renewable sources of energy – and to reduce domestic power bills.

A solar water heater is not the same as a solar electricity generator. While it would be easy to make the mistake of believing that a solar water heater generates electricity to heat domestic water, this is not the case.

A solar water heater uses a combination of absorption ( thermal mass) , convection, insulation and even reflection to heat water. In general, a solar water heater involves a pipe or a series of pipes running through a special panel into the hot water tank. This special panel is designed to absorb heat ( this is why they’ re often black, as this is the most heat-absorbent colour) and is something like a miniature glasshouse, allowing heat and light energy in but not out. Convection makes sure that the water keeps moving through the pipes so all your water is heated.

A solar water heater can be retrofitted to an existing house, as long as certain conditions are met. The solar water heater must:

• be oriented towards the midday sun – north for people in the southern hemisphere.
• be tilted at the correct angle for the latitude so the midday sun strikes it fully.
• not be shaded by trees, chimneys or other buildings.
Some people believe that a solar water heater is only suitable for places that get a lot of sunshine, such as the Outback or the tropical north. This is not the case. With correct siting and orientation, even homes in places further south than Australia can use a solar water heater to meet all their domestic hot water needs – they are used successfully in

New Zealand’ s South Island. According to some sources, some parts of Alaska may even be able to use solar water heaters.

A solar water heater that is commonly used on roofs of apartment buildings
Of course, common sense should be used and just because a solar water heater can take care of most of your domestic hot water requirements, you should not be wasteful with hot water just because it’ s free. You should continue to wash laundry on cold for most of the time and to thaw meat in the fridge or on the bench rather than running it under the hot tap.

Contact: Bp. Sinaga, Hp. 0815 1311 6206, email: pro.teknik@, telp/ fax: + 62 21 470 4719
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