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Nama:Tn. Moh.Sulaiman,SH Advokat/konsultan hukum [Pemilik/Pengusaha]
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Nomor Ponsel:Nomor ponsel Tn. Moh.Sulaiman,SH Advokat/konsultan hukum di Bekasi
Nomor Telpon:Nomor telpon Tn. Moh.Sulaiman,SH Advokat/konsultan hukum di Bekasi
Nomor Faks:Nomor faks Tn. Moh.Sulaiman,SH Advokat/konsultan hukum di Bekasi
Alamat:Jl.Gatot Subroto No : 88 A Cikarang Bekasi
Bekasi 17550, Jawa Barat
Rata-rata Tinjauan PemakaiTidak ada ulasan untuk perusahaan ini - Menulis tinjauan
Tanggal Bergabung:24 May. 2023
Terakhir Diperbarui:4 Sep. 2009
Sifat Dasar Usaha:Jasa dari kategori Layanan Bisnis

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Advocates and Legal Consultants

As the founder of the Law Office MOH.SULAIMAN, SH & ASSOCIATES in 2007, apparently this law office is very aware of the deficiencies as a Single Partner. Preceded by MOH.SULAIMAN, SH, H. Imam Santoso, SH, Abdul Azis, SH., IBRAHIM AZIZ, SH., A couple united vision and mission in the establishment of the legal office, with the purpose of these offices to serve the community well and with the ideals can go into the office of public
Background of experience in handling cases in various ways, the commitment of the founder of Law Office ( MOH.SULAIMAN) pursue particular areas of law Property, Labor Law, Bankruptcy, Intellectual Property Rights ( IPR) , Land, Legal Drafting and Legal Opinion.


Law Office began the establishment MOH.SULAIMAN, SH & ASSOCIATES only handle commercial litigation and criminal case that the solution mostly through court decisions but gradually has developed the legal expertise and special knowledge towards non-litigation.
With the inclusion of 4 ( four) new partner into MOH.SULAIMAN Law Office, SH & ASSOCIATES so since that time have also align scope with another law firm. Apart from additional partners, Law Office MOH.SULAIMAN, SH & ASSOCIATES also assisted by the associates who are experienced.


Abdul Azis, SH
Ibrohim AZIZ, SH
IRMA Hermawati, SS, SH

The Associate:
Matondang ARIF, SH
H. Imam Santoso, SH., MH

Graduates Associates:
Universitas Indonesia
University of North Sumatra
University Jakarta
University Mercubuana
University Tarumanegara
State University of Lampung

Practice Areas

Law Office MOH.SULAIMAN, SH & ASSOCIATES provides legal services to clients by considering the purposes, needs and interests of clients, with trying to not only provide the best solution but also provides a quick solution to any legal problems.

All aspects related to the limited liability company / group of trade practices, intellectual property rights ( IPR) , capital markets, taxation, financing, commercial litigation / arbitration, and criminal litigation is our main expertise is.

For more information about our main legal expertise, can be viewed by selecting the options below:

A. Limited Company / Trade Practice Group
B. Intellectual Property Rights ( IPR)
C. Capital Market
D. Taxation
E. Financing
F. Commercial Litigation / Arbitration
G. Criminal Litigation

A. Limited Company / Trade Practice Group
Law Office MOH.SULAIMAN, SH & ASSOCIATES together with its affiliates the Notary Office and Co-Co Other Professions provide legal assistance to clients for the provision of legal advice through a limited liability company / group of trade practices, but not limited to:

1. Establishment and Management Domestic and Foreign Companies
Providing services to take care of all permits required by either company in the form of domestic or foreign including providing input on the types of businesses permitted or closed to foreign and domestic investment by existing regulations, management NPWP, check the company name, company approval, the budget the basis of the following companies all the changes, hold a general meeting of shareholders ( AGM) , to give legal opinion / legal advise needed. Giving advice what businesses are open and closed to foreign investors in accordance with the laws and regulations in force, including for domestic investors.

2. Foreign Investment and Joint Venture
Providing services to conduct legal due diligence or due diligence of law and provide legal opinions to foreign investors who want to invest in Indonesia by way of example by a joint venture or joint ventures in various industrial sectors, and also do mendraft review of the agreement between the parties with foreign parties in Indonesia. Having a close working relationship with various government agencies in Indonesia, to help management gain permission from the government.

3. International Trade
Has expertise and experience in international trade by engaging in various problems associated with such trade issues including international trade, among others penegosiasian contract business transactions, organizing and reviewing contracts, international business transactions, contract delivery, goods distribution agreement ( Distrubution Agreement ) , taking care of licensing-related licensing international business transactions with government agencies, and other types of international business transactions such as licensing agreements set ( License Agreement) , set franchise agreement.

4. Labor and Employment
Field service labor and employment focuses on various labor and employment issues from the perspective of workers and employers which include among others: the creation of company rules, make employment contracts for regular employees and not kept, the preparation outsourching structure, calculation jamsostek, setting wages, working hours and annual leave, severance pay calculation settings, resolution of labor disputes both outside and inside the court, taking care of the visa foreigners working in Indonesia.

5. Processing and Development of Land
Providing advice and care of the legal aspects related to processing and development of land including a history of land ( arable, girik, VI) , land acquisition, payment of compensation through land acquisition committee, the state owned the land back to HGB, licensing arrangements, including SK Gub / SK.Mendagri, certification, land tenure, forgery of letters, which halted installment credit ( lack of land guarantee) , bad debts both in litigation.

B. Intellectual Property Rights ( IPR)
This law office together with its affiliates to help the maintenance of intellectual property rights which include: copyright, trademark, patent, trade secrets and industrial designs. Care of the problems related to the Law Offices of MOH.SULAIMAN, SH & ASSOCIATES is ready to help to clients in the following: registration, classification of new or recycled, the transfer of rights, and protection of IPR violations ( such as police reports about criminal IPR counterfeiting ( Brand, copyright, patent and industrial design) , filed for cancellation, filing legal actions against the Commercial Court) , registration license, franchise management, giving legal advise / legal opinion and so forth.

C. Capital Market
Law Office MOH.SULAIMAN, SH & ASSOCIATES has the expertise and experience in capital markets in dealing with clients both public and private companies, companies in domestic and international, including but not limited to, providing legal advice in connection with capital market regulations, fulfillment of the requirements in accordance with the regulation of capital markets, helping the transactions mergers, acquisitions and restructurings, as well as manage the IPO process in Indonesia. In addition, often provide services for the legal opinion that the company will go public, also provides legal advice to the affected securities companies for the actions of the brokers at the stock exchange.

D. Taxation
This law office handles issues related to taxation. Tax services that can be provided by the Office of Legal MOH.SULAIMAN, SH & ASSOCIATES is as follows: Income tax ( PPh) and monthly and annual VAT, tax administration, review and examination of taxation, tax consulting, training ( practice) taxation.

E. Financing
Financing is an aspect that can not be separated from business activities in Indonesia. This law office has the expertise and experience in dealing with both aspects of the financing related to financing institutions in the country and / or foreign financial institutions, both simple and financing agreements syndicated financing agreements, financing construction projects, financing companies such as bonds, stocks, IPO / Private Placement, Mergers & acquisitions, debt restructuring, foreign capital investment,

F. Commercial Litigation / Arbitration
Since our office was named MOH.SULAIMAN Law Offices, SH & ASSOCIATES, Commercial Litigation has become one of our main expertise, is now with our expertise and experience, this law office provides services not only in the field of commercial litigation but also in the field of arbitration, including but not limited to the bankruptcy case. But will help clients both within and outside the court by helping to develop strategies for the trial, making the letters needed, compile and analyze the evidence, and resolve other issues that arise during the trial.

G. Criminal Litigation
One of the benefits MOH.SULAIMAN Law Offices, SH & ASSOCIATES is in the field of litigation, especially in criminal cases. This law office has the expertise and experience to handle criminal cases. Law Office MOH.SULAIMAN, SH & ASSOCIATES will help and assist clients in finding and investigating the criminal aspects, assist and represent clients in trials in the District Court to the Supreme Court, assist and represent clients in the examination of police and prosecutors in accordance with applicable procedures, prepare and develop defense strategies for clients, making legal arguments, and seek resolve cases by way of peace.

Field management and -surat/ perijinan letter documents both individuals and companies as follows:

A. IPR ( Brand, Patent, Copyright, Industrial Design)
B. Certificate - AuSSI
C. Immigration Document
D. Licensing - Licensing Company
E. Service official and Sworn Translator
F. Land Certificate Management Service

A. IPR ( Brand, Patent, Copyright, Industrial Design)

1. Brand Registration care of the condition - the following conditions:
â € ¢ Creating a Brand Registration Application;
â € ¢ Declaration of Applicant is entitled to Brand;
â € ¢ The identity of applicant ( if applicant PT included the Minister of Justice decree in which there are Statutes PT) ;
â € ¢ Examples of brand labels as much as 20 copies;
â € ¢ inspection period + 9-month mark since the registration is received and trademark protection period is 10 years and can be extended.

2. Patent Registration care of the condition - the following conditions:
â € ¢ Make application for registration of patents;
â € ¢ Declaration of Applicant is entitled to such invention;
â € ¢ The identity of applicant ( if applicant PT included the Minister of Justice decree in which there are Statutes PT) ;
â € ¢ The identity of inventors;
â € ¢ Statement of Patent Application for granted;
â € ¢ Title invention;
â € ¢ Claim the invention;
â € ¢ Description of the invention;
â € ¢ Figure invention
â € ¢ Abstract invention;
â € ¢ For the period until the patent application process is the discharge certificate for + 2 years for simple patent and + 36 months for the patent Ordinary.

3. Copyright Registration care of the condition - the following conditions:
â € ¢ Make application Copyrights;
â € ¢ Declaration of Applicant is entitled to such Copyrights;
â € ¢ The identity of applicant ( if applicant PT included the Minister of Justice decree in which there are Statutes PT) ;
â € ¢ Examples of the copyrights of 20 copies;
â € ¢ Power of Attorney;
â € ¢ registration period Copyrights approximately 9 months since the application is received and the duration of copyright protection of 10 years and renewable.

4. Registration of Industrial Design take care of the condition - the following conditions:
â € ¢ Making requests Industrial Design Registration;
â € ¢ Declaration of Applicant is entitled to the Industrial Design;
â € ¢ The identity of applicant ( if applicant PT included the Minister of Justice decree in which there are Statutes PT) ;
â € ¢ Examples of products and description of physical images / design as much as 20 copies;
â € ¢ Power of Attorney;
â € ¢ inspection period industrial design + 9 months since the application is received and the protection period of 10 years of industrial design and can be extended;

B. Certificate-AuSSI namely:
â € ¢ Birth Certificate
â € ¢ Marriage Certificate
â € ¢ Divorce certificate
â € ¢ Death certificate

C. Immigration Document:
â € ¢ Passport Clearance
â € ¢ Visa
â € ¢ KITAS
D. Licensing - Licensing Company:
â € ¢ Notary for the establishment of PT / CV / FA / UD for Limited Liability Company. In addition we also serve the maintenance until the ratification by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights and the ratification by the District Court.
â € ¢ amendment of certificate ( PKR) Limited to the management Perseroaan the Department of Justice and Human Rights;
â € ¢ Company Domicile City, NPWP, SIUP, TDP, UUG;
â € ¢ Clearance NPWP ( Tax Payer) Personal and Company.

E. Service official and Sworn Translator
Law Office PRIEST - SULAIMAN & ASSOCIATES provides services to translate documents from English into Indonesian and vice versa. Translated by an experienced staff and qualified as an official translator and sworn.

F. Land Certificate Management Service:
v Deal with SK governors / regents that include:
â € ¢ Deal with Land Acquisition Letter of Permission ( SP3L) for the purposes of land purchase;
â € ¢ Deal with Principles of Land Use Permit ( SIPPT) for location management purposes;
â € ¢ Looking after issuance of the certificate either parent from girik letter C, VI ( verponding Indonesia) , soil and land certified free;
â € ¢ Minding Block Plan / Site Plan;
â € ¢ Minding Building Permit ( IMB) ;
â € ¢ Minding Livable Permission for apartments;
â € ¢ Minding pertelaan and / or deed of separation to a residential or non residential;
â € ¢ Property Certificate Minding the house for residential units or non residential;
â € ¢ Deal of All Forms of certificate issuance, renewal certificates and certificates of land behind the name as follows:
 § Hak Guna Bangunan ( HGB) ;
 § Hak Guna Usaha ( HGU) ;
 § Property Rights;
 § Right to Use;
 § Rights Management;

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