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Keiko Shop

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Keiko Shop
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Keiko Shop

Thanks for giving praise to Allah' s Presence, with the blessing and gift of grace and Hidayah - Him we can run any command until this day.
Sentence begins with gratitude, we would like to introduce our business entity that has a name Keiko Shop, which is an attempt to sell some of the products of all the needs of the general public that their business units which include transactions ONLINE Shopping and Services channeling young coaches placement exercise in schools, colleges and clubs in particular areas of East Jakarta, South, West, North. Distribution center needs a young coach who is very passionate, energetic and qualified. business entity is a chain of uninterruptible in the circle of life circle of life demands. And gait performed by Keiko Shop main goal is to help reduce unemployment in the country of Indonesia. Strategy is on the way to realize the vision and mission of the business to be a lot of action in all aspects of life in the general population who have never known age, ethnicity, religion and others. Armed with skills, intentions trying hard, and develop our learning in the business of selling and support of family and close relatives, we were very happy to give what we can give to the business ' ONLINE Shop' good. we also want to increase the activity, relationships and creativity with the mutual exchange of ideas and good information. I hope all my friends opened the door as much as possible to work together in our new business venture is ONLINE. And useful for many people and future work more optimally, as well as exploring the experience of working to meet the demands of life. Given these efforts may be of little help in the program by the Government Launches on reducing unemployment.

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