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JL Resources Supplies
Info Perusahaan
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Nama:Tn. Rajendran Subramaniam
E-mail:Kirim Pesan
Nomor Ponsel:Nomor ponsel Tn. Rajendran Subramaniam di Subang
Nomor Telpon:Nomor telpon Tn. Rajendran Subramaniam di Subang
Rata-rata Tinjauan PemakaiTidak ada ulasan untuk perusahaan ini - Menulis tinjauan
Tanggal Bergabung:25 Jun. 2024
Terakhir Diperbarui:2 Apr. 2013
Sifat Dasar Usaha:Dagang dari kategori Layanan Bisnis

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JLRS group of health recipes is the product of many years of scientific clinical research conducted by Dr. Tai, a clinical pharmacist and Herbalists with wide experience as a hospital pharmacist in the Ministry of Health, Malaysia and Thailand.
With more than 40 years of both Allopathic and Naturopathic clinical experience and a research doctoral dissertation on natural herbs for health, a unique study which unraveled the secrets of health within natural herbs.

Since his research on natural spices herbs 6 years ago, Dr. Tai, developed a killer natural herbs health recipes based on 100% herbs.

The research on natural herbs was prompted because of the proven safety of natural herbs which has been consumed by people for thousands of years. The safety of natural herbs renders the product human friendly and totally safe for consumption.
Five categories of natural herbs based products have been identified: -

1. KING HERBS TEA, Powerful & Effective Period Herbs Drinking for, Diabetes 7day, High Blood Pressure 5days, Kidney Stone 3day, Migraine 3days, Gout 3days, Asthma 3day, Hemorrhoid 5 day, Blood Sugar, Lose Control of Passing Urine and Insomnia.

2. FUTURE ACTIVE CAPSULE ( A) and ( C) , 100% natural herbal preparation, developed to prevent HIV, Kill Cancer Cell, Arthritis, Diabetic wound and non healing wounds, All kind Blood Circulatory, All kind Skin Disease and others. It is biocompatible with the human body, non-toxic and without known side effects. It works fast to restore the systematic functionality of the body and to overcome the infection. The sufferer is able to take nourishment, maintain weight, gain strength and spirit, all of which are vital to recovery and a normal healthy life.

3. FUTURE PROTECTION CAPSULE ( P) , 100% natural herbs recover Joint Pains, Rheumatism, Numbness and Arthritis. It is also good for Blood Circulation and sexual Performance.

4. ALKALINE, World No.1 Alkaline Drinking Water. ( Base on Powder) , Improves Chronic Health Conditions. The PH is 8.5. Why we say No.1 in the World? , Our Alkaline PH reading is 8.5 and you can boil to 100deg and the PH will go up to 10.5 and more. You can exposà © to sun light for 3 years, itâ € ™ s still remind the same PH 8.5. It is help regulate body temperature, Supplements minerals for the body, Improves blood circulation, Neutralize acidic level in the body, Balances and protects cells in the body, Prevents free radicals from forming and damaging other cells.

These formulae have been tested on patients at the Sethathirath Hospital Laos and Tai Center in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, China, Japan and India for more than six years and its benefits have been confirmed by the clinical outcomes and laboratory tests. More than 1, 200 HIV and AIDS are cure and more than 50, 000 diabetic patients are cure on and more than 47, 000 others disease patients are cure after used our products and have shown remarkable cure.

After six years trial period and having found that these products have powerful medical value, these products have been submitted to the Drug Control Authority of the Ministry of Health for Approval.

The developer of the product believes that the health values of spices must be shared with all humanity.

He is now embarking on a mission to bring these Amazing Herbs products to the whole world.



We look for the partner or investor to bring this Amazing Herbs to the World

Thank You Very Much

For more info: -
John Rajendran
Tel: + 603-80814143
H/ P: + 60122866143

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