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    Vanilla extract | Tea & Coffee | Specialty & Functional Ingredient | Essential Oil | Cocoa & Vanilla | Natural Sweetener | Fruit & Vegetable

    Jumlah Pesanan:
    The most widely used flavoring in the world, vanilla is a member of the orchid family. Vanilla originates from Mexico where it was highly prized by the ancient Aztec Totonaco Indians. Spanish Conquistadors brought it to Europe from where it was introduced to French possessions in the Tropics.

    Today, Indonesia is the world' s third biggest grower of vanilla. Vanilla grows across the Archipelago but predominantly in Bali, Sulawesi and Java.

    Like fine wine, vanilla needs careful handling and aging to produce the best result. After harvesting, the green pods are blanched and then fermented, a process which turns the natural glucocytes in the beans to vanillin, which gives vanilla, its distinctive flavor notes. The beans are then dried naturally in the shade and cured for several months until they are ready to be used.

    Demand for this superb product range from manufacturers of premium ice creams and beverages, up to the chefs of fine restaurants and specialist bakeries. To meet all their needs Haldin offers several types of pure vanilla extracts; all characterized by their pleasant flavor and varied functionality.

    Vanilla beans from all the key areas of Indonesia. Involved in their cultivation, picking and processing and selects the best beans for its range of vanilla products from single and double fold vanilla extracts, vanilla 10, 20 and 30 folds, vanilla oleoresin and vanilla powder.

    An essential ingredient in so many of the world' s favorite products, vanilla is widely used by the food and beverage industry, adding its smooth sweetness to ice creams and dairy products, confectionary, baked and frozen foods, and drinks.

    Vanilla is also used by the pharmaceutical industry in medicines and in tablet coatings, as well as playing a calming role in aromatherapy, in which vanilla oil is used to induce a state of calm.

    Our Product Category of Vanilla :

    Vanilla Extract
    Produces one fold to 30 fold extracts. The product is water soluble, which gives it extensive uses in various manufacturing processes.

    Vanilla Spray Dried Powder
    Vanilla Spray Dried powder is water soluble. It is like brown in coloring and comes with a pleasant and lingering aroma.

    Vanilla Oleoresin
    Lucious brown and is thicker than honey-almost semi solid. It is soluble in oil. Vanila Oleoresin is almost 100% moisture-free, does not easily oxsidize and can have a long shelf-life stored in a cool place.

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