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GURU PAKPAK LINGGA THERAPIST MAKE YOUR DIABETS TOTAL RECOVERY DIABETS ! ! ! ! ! NO WAY, THROW IT-OUT NO MORE DIABETS, WHO YOU ARE? ? ? ? ? ? ? HOW-ILL YOU ARE? HOW-DEEP YOUR DIABETS? ? NEAR TO AMPUTATION BY SURGEON? ? ? ? ? ENJOY YOUR LIFE WITHOUT DIABETS! ! ! ! ! ! WE MAKE YOU HAPPY& WE MAKE YOU RECOVERY HEALTIES IT IS VERY EXPENSIVE MAKES LIFE MEANING AS-LONG YOUR LIFE TAKE A EASY, CALM-IT, WE CAN HELP YOU GURU PAKPAK LINGGA THERAPIEST MAKE YOU HAPPY WITHOUT DIABETS treatment / MENTAL ILLNESS ( GRAZY ) , STRESS and DRUGS DIABETS HURTS TO HEALING, ILLNESS INSANE with FREE DRUGS NO PAY/ GRATIS/ FREE OF CHARGES For-Assistency call nunung + 62-21-99489579 08179938016, 081263563549 or 021-78882070. http: / / yayasan email: gurupakpaklingga@ YOUR DIABETS MAKE YOU CRAZY How far the disease of your DIABETS? Itâ € ™ s just -sweet urinating or have a wound or rotted? Or just starting in preliminary stadium? Don, t worry ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! its very terrible your ormented life with the limitations that your suffered because of the disease DIABETS? ? ? ? who had been convicted could not be cured and vonisted by surgeon that can be cured? ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Mental pressure or you suffer the same embarrassment friends, family, and your communities? Laso, to mention blasphemy-THE SURGEON who always blame YOU for not disciplined in taking care of themselves? You should to spend hundreds and even MILLIONS dollars , consult to the surgeon, where YOU are always ready to get yelled at! But the lasting what happened? Your diabetes getting worse, starting with a DRIED DIABETS, WET etc and etc. Your diabetes became injury, smelting even rotted. Finally, the surgeon deciding, PART OF YOUR BODY ORGANS should be cutting and had to be amputated. Does YOUR LIFE DURING should always suffering and mental distress because it was all blasphemy? You always follow the surgeon INSTRUCTIONS and agrees with them, even whatever They are instruction for you. Ya, , , , it is all the SUR-GEON in depressed mood. You, always follow and follow without opposited and always ready whenever brought to the slaughterhouse. How much money have you spend out for your illness and never any solution? Which one of your organ body have as a gift for the slaughter? Not to mention the psychological disturbance and distress you experience, fai-led to ejaculate because it could not satisfy and made happy your wife, constriction of vessels, eye disease, kidney failure, often due to illness immune / immunity or decreased NOW YOUR BODY IS DROP. But you still have to suffer and only waiting and ready to die any time.LIFE IS WORTH FOR YOU AND NO CHANCE. ANYMORE Commonly, the causing of DIABETS, is diabetes-mellitus or urinary-SWEET according to the medical term is due to EXCESS-SUGAR, even eat or drink consumptions. Ya, you too much or eat SUGAR. SUGAR derived from food or drink that you eat or drink. The failure of the pancreas produces insulin to neutralize the DIABETSs by the body to consumptions should be ENERGY or ENERGY conversion via chemistries processsing. Usually the surgeon do DIABETS TESTS in the BODY as a tool to convince Verdict and blasphemy victims that we believe and trusting with these MEDICAL research. But one thing that we do not REALIZE is that every PHYSICIAN do DIABETS TESTS, in the every oirgans of our body is always a different result in the same time. If you try testing your DIABETS-in every organ of your body must always be different results. So, which organs we can make for REFERENCES to a certainty, and prove that we DIABETS illness? Or is there something wrong with TEST EQUIPMENT- DIABETS? In fact, the patients DIABETS always weak, HUNGRY and always wanted to eat and drink as much as possible. Also the body becomes pale and chapped lips. MEANS, the body is not excess SUGAR but SUGARS SHORTAGE. If our body EXCESS SUGARS, should we be more BODY STRENGTH and not faint. So, where are you gone the SUGAR you are eating? SUGAR go along with YOUR URINE, due not absorbed by the body. Thus the SUGAR that will occur with urine useless waste after processing by the KIDNEY. Hence, THE URINE OF DIABETS VICTIMS becomes sweet. If you do urinate on the ground, will generally be visiting by ANT. And one more thing we need to remember, that since NABI ADAM was created by God in the Garden-of Eden, for they have provided all the plants, which all contain elements of cute. Did not our ancestors were always healthy and never DIABETS disease and also the longevity? Did they ever convicted DIABETS disease? Even though animals, say it was sorry MONKEY, mongoose, mongoose, squirrels are always looking for the fruits of their most sweet to eat, and those who do not leave fruit or no quality sweet fruit is not cooked to perfection. Or never heard the term Luwak-COFFEE? These Coffee is loved by youth in the world, because the quality it, s very good! ! ! ! ! ! What is Luwak coffee? Namely coffee beans from the rest of the mongoose, eat and came from the stomach or thrown feces and collected in a particular place by the mongoose itself. Of course Luwak coffee beans for a perfectly ripe, sweet taste characterized by a well-liked by the mongoose. Luwak coffee only eat the sweet skin only. But the seeds remain intact and are still wrapped in the skin hard and not processed by the body of the N-TIM said. This means that the animal mongoose or just really like sweet fruit with a very high quality. Why humans should be limited to enjoy God' s creation? Did not God tell us to master all the contents of the earth because of human degrees higher? Why do we have to do with the limitations of food a sweet tooth? Or CURM or not it is very high NUTRITIONAL-FOOD since few years ago? Immediately remove the shackles of YOU! Remove chain SOULS pressure you have and throw away. PLEASE FREEDOM EARTH-produce. You can enjoy the beauty of God creation. Please eat or consumption as long you like, eat his fill, no longer deceived by DIABETS TEST EQUIPMENT that is not obvious. CAN YOU DO THAT? OF COURSE CAN! ! ! ! ! ! EVERYONE can do it. If you limp, HUNGRY and always wanted to eat, chapped lips, FAILS TO ejaculation, PLEASE CHECK your blood.How you can do? NOT use DIABETS-TESTING like hospital doing. But, , please take a little your urines with with your finger, and try to taste! ! ! If it salty-taste, means you are heathy, or your body is fit, no problem with your helaty. If it bland, meaning less food or you need good kwality food or less VITAMIN or supplements. Could also unwell, illness or condition that does not fit the body. But if sweet-taste, it has affected YOU victims of DIABETS. Or try urinate in the out-side or in the field, on the ground or in the garden. If ant come to eat your urine, you have already exposed DIABETS DISEASE / ILLNESS in your body. Are you will be PANIC? NOT neccesssary. YOUR DIABETS DISEASE exactly going to get worse if you' re panic. So what you should do? Enjoy it on the food as you like. Fill your body with nutritious foods including the food and drinks with a very nice quality though. No need to be panics. Because we have examined more than how to TENS OF YOUR DIABETS disease can be cured and not FLEAS DISEASE TO YOU. WHAT MUST BE EXPENSIVE COST? NO! ! ! ABSOLUTLY NO! We provide everything FREE OF CHARGE alias GRATIS and no need to pay on it. Because we want YOU also have the right and duty to enjoy God' s creation of the earth. YOU have the right to gaded of it. Only We need you can do just two things. First, please HELP disseminate this valuiable information. Second, please HELP the the other of the diabetes victim. Ya, plese help them. Because in the short of time, We will fbuild the FOUNDATION to help DIABETS diseases solving problems. We will soon make in the near future for permission A' god, and assisted with the your praying and help. Thus, YOU will be part of us, as a volunteer rescuer CHILDREN MEMBER NATIONS. What would you do in helping us? First, YOU would treat your own diabetes. No need other people to treat it. Secondly, if YOU have succeeded HEALING / DIABETS YOU treat yourself, we' ll make it as PROOF, as well as or TESTIMONIALS of DIABETS VICTIMS/ HOSPITAL-DIABETS other. Share and Lead THEM THE VICTIM / HOSPITAL DIABETS others, to be able and capable of treat--DIABETS his own. Of course, with advice and guidance from the IF according to HOW DO YOU have in HEALING YOUR DIABETS. And so on. WHAT YOU CAN? HOW DIFFICULT OF IT? NO, NOT AT ALL DIFFICULT! ! ! EVEN VERY SIMPLE! ! ! ANYONE CAN DO WITH VERY EASY WAY. WHERE THERE recipe? THERE ARE IN YOUR KITCHEN! ! WHAT COSTS? IS EXPENSIVE? YOU get it for free. WHAT CAN GUARANTEED and proven? THOUSANDS OF BEEN PROVEN DIABETS-VICTIM. DIABETS healed and WE LOVE ADVICE. They proved well and healthy until now. Even dry or wet diabets. How is guaranted? It very guaranted If not healed, then we are off hand heal. Also, if not healed as well, so we paid and appreciate YOUR DISEASE. HOW MUCH YOU RETURN FOR YOUR DISEASE appreciated? ONE MILLIONS, TWO MILLION, THREE MILLION? HOWI CAN DO? YOU REALLY interested, please send us an email letter to gurupakpaklingga@ Or call us at 021-7888-2070 or 0817-9938016. How much you should pay? Nothing. You do not have to pay at all. You only RESEARCH EXPERIENCE CONPENSATION and we are just IDR 250. 000 or US$ 30only ( Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Rupias or US$ 30only) . Yes, it is So much money ? ? ? It is comparable to our studies and researching that have tens of years we do? It' s up to YOU to decide. If you are unsure how to start? That as a substitute for CONSULTATION FEES and MIND OUR TIME. Compare this with how many hundred million COSTS MONEY that you have to spend on YOUR DIABETS-disease which ORGANS OF YOUR BODY should be cut? YOU have the right to live where the best choice for YOU! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! If you are interesting as an extension of our hands to share and help others in treating the DIABETS-disease. For those of you who want to be our volunteers, please conpensate USD 250, 000 or US$ 30.( Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Rupiah Only or US$ 30) for our guidance. Are you interesting? Please contact the us. by mail, emailed to us at: gurupakpaklingga@ Or contact us at + 62-21-78882070 or SMS: 0817-826-948, + 62-21-08179938016. Or just transfer to BCA ( BANK OF CENTRAL ASIA) , the largest Bank in Indonesia) with Bank register: 554-033-1156 a/ n: EGANINDYA PARNARITASARI Cabang KSU Sejati Mulia. WELCOME TRY. YOUR GOOD NOT BE spared and one of the following DIABETS-DISEASE. Sincerely yours GURU PAKPAK LINGGA Tamer DIABETS & Mad Pain | ||
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