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Tn. Hendrik [Pemasaran]

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Jl. Muhtar tabrani. Perum Bintang Metropol Blok A-7 No 16
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GW INSTEK Real-time/ Digital Storage Oscilloscopes GRS-6000A Series[5 May. 2011, 11:14:03]
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Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T)
Negara AsalAmerika Serikat
Real-time/ Digital Storage Oscilloscopes GRS-6000A Series

- GRS-6052A 50MHz, Digital storage + Analog oscilloscope
- GRS-6032A 30MHz, Digital storage + Analog oscilloscope


GRS-6052A: DC~ 50MHz Bandwidth, 100MSa/ s, 2kW/ CH x 2
GRS-6032A: DC~ 30MHz Bandwidth, 100MSa/ s, 2kW/ CH x 2
Equivalent Time Sampling of 500MSa/ s max.
Acquire Mode : Peak Detect, Envelop, Persistence
Pre-Trigger Function 0 ~ 10 div
ROLL Mode to 100s/ div
Waveform SAVE/ RECALL 10 sets ( REF0~ REF9)
Averaging Function ( 2 ~ 256)
Smoothing Function ON/ OFF
Max. Sweep Rate 10ns/ div
ALT-MAG Function ( x5, x10, x20)
Cursor Readout Function: ³ V, ³ T, 1/ ³ T
Panel Setting SAVE/ RECALL 10 sets ( M0~ M9)
VERT Mode Triggering
RS-232C Interface

Illumination Front panel control
Z-axis Input Sensitivity : at least 5V
Polarity : positive going input decreases intensity
Max. input voltage: 30V( DC+ ACpeak)
Input Impedance : approx. 33k© Input Impedance : approx. 47k©
Deflection Coefficient and Accuracy 1mV ~ 2mV/ div ± 5% ,
5mV ~ 20V/ div ± 3% ,
14 steps in 1-2-5 sequence
Variable Continuity 2.5 : 1 ~ min. 50V/ div
Bandwidth ( -3dB) 1mV ~ 2mV/ div: DC~ 7MHz
5mV ~ 20V/ div: DC~ 50MHz 1mV ~ 2mV/ div: DC~ 7MHz
5mV ~ 20V/ div: DC~ 30MHz
Vertical Mode CH1, CH2, DUAL ( ALT or CHOP)
Chopper Frequency Approx. 250kHz
Sum or Difference CH1+ CH2, CH1-CH2
Invert CH2
Input Impedance 1M© ± 2% / / approx. 25pF
Input Coupling AC, DC, GND
Input Voltage Max. 400V( DC+ ACpeak)
Sweep Time 0.2¼ s/ div ~ 0.5s/ div, 20 steps
Variable Continuity 2.5 : 1 up to 1.25s/ div ( uncal.)
Accuracy ± 3% , ± 5% at x5/ x10MAG. ± 8% at x 20MAG
Sweep Magnification x5, x10, x20
Max. Sweep Time 20ns/ div ( 10ns/ div uncal) 50ns/ div ( 10ns~ 40ns/ div uncal)
ALT-MAG Function Yes
HOLD-OFF Time Variable
Trigger Mode AUTO, NORM, TV
Trigger Source VERT, CH1, CH2, LINE, EXT
Trigger Coupling AC, HFR, LFR
Trigger Slope “ + †or“ - †polarity
ALT Trigger Yes
Indicator Trigger LED Yes
TV Sync. Separator TV-V“ -†, TV-H“ - â€
Trigger Sensitivity
GRS-6052A 20Hz~ 5MHz 5MHz~ 40MHz 40Hz~ 50MHz
GRS-6032A 20Hz~ 2MHz 2MHz~ 20MHz 20Hz~ 30MHz
CH1, CH2 0.5div 1.5div 2.0div
Vert-Mode 2.0div 3.0div 3.5div
EXT 200mV 800mV 1V
TV sync. pulse more than 1 div or 200mV ( EXT)
External Trigger Input
Input impedance : Approx. 1M© / / 25pF ( AC coupling)
Max. input voltage : 400V ( DC + ACpeak)
Input X-axis : CH1 ; Y-axis : CH2
Sensitivity 1mV/ div ~ 20V/ div
Bandwidth X-axis : DC ~ 500kHz ( -3dB)
X-Y Phase Shift 25ns) , Envelop. Persist, Average( 2~ 256)
Operation Mode Auto, Norm, Single, Single-roll, Roll, X-Y, Run/ Stop
Smoothing Function Dot joint ON/ OFF selectable
Pre-Trigger Pre-trigger 0 ~ 10div in 0.02div steps
X-Y Operation X-axis: CH1 Y-axis: CH2
Storage Bandwidth DC~ 50MHz( -3dB)
Display Resolution H: 100points/ div; V: 25points/ div;
X-Y: 25 x 25 points/ div
Panel Setting 10 sets( M0 ~ M9)
Waveform 10 sets( REF0~ REF9)
Cursor Measurement †V, †T, 1/ †T
Readout Intensity Adjustable
CH1 Signal Output Voltage : approx. 20mV/ div ( with 50© terminated)
Bandwidth : 50Hz ~ 5MHz
Calibrator Output
Voltage : 0.5V± 3%
Frequency : approx. 1kHz, square wave
AC 100V/ 120V/ 230V± 10% , 50/ 60Hz
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