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Tanggal Bergabung: 9 Oct. 2010 - Terakhir Diperbarui: 17 Apr. 2011
Sifat Dasar Usaha : Dagang dari kategori Elektronik & Elektrik
Here are some catalog products that we offer. You can also view our full product catalog via the navigation menu above We Also Sell Items Items - Other Products SBB.
* Radio Komunikasi
* Marine Navigasi
* Surveying
* Antena & Tower
* Handphone
* Service & Design
* Komputer & Gadgets
* Toa Mega Phone
* Penguat Signal HP
Sifat Dasar Usaha : Dagang dari kategori Elektronik & Elektrik

Kontak Perusahaan
Nama: | Tn. Alex Sugianto [Direktur/CEO/Manajer Umum] |
E-mail: | |
Situs Web: | |
Nomor Ponsel: | |
Nomor Telpon: | |
Nomor Faks: | |
Alamat: | makaliwe I no 8A RT 11/08 Grogol Jakarta Barat Jakarta 11450, Jakarta Indonesia ![]() |
- info lebih lanjut hub: www.alnindo.com
Penjelasan Ringkas
Welcome to the website ALNINDO Corporations. We are a company that sells communications equipment such as HT ( Handy Talky) , GPS, Radar, Receiver, Transceiver, Antenna. Marine tools, GMDSS, EPIRB, Sensor. Gauges ( multimeters) and other assistive devices such as sensors and future technologi.Here are some catalog products that we offer. You can also view our full product catalog via the navigation menu above We Also Sell Items Items - Other Products SBB.
* Radio Komunikasi
* Marine Navigasi
* Surveying
* Antena & Tower
* Handphone
* Service & Design
* Komputer & Gadgets
* Toa Mega Phone
* Penguat Signal HP
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